The Jacqueline Kennedy Garden

The White House sous-chef clips rosemary to use in an upcoming dinner in 2007 (Time | Brooks Kraft)

The First Lady’s Garden

The Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, like the Rose Garden, is based on a traditional 18th century American garden. Mrs. Lady Bird Johnson continued the garden's restoration plans approved by President and Mrs. Kennedy and the National Park Service. The East Garden was dedicated by Mrs. Johnson as the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden on April 22, 1965, although it has been called the "First Lady's Garden" by some later administrations.

The garden has a large fescue grass panel in the center and is framed on the north and south sides by a holly hedge. The East Colonnade, located on the garden's north side, is lined by a row of linden trees. Planting beds, bordered by boxwoods, are filled with tulips, pansies and grape hyacinth. Rosemary, thyme, and other herbs, planted under the eight American holly trees, are regularly used by the White House chefs.

The previous garden had a large reflecting pool in the center and was first created by Beatrix Farrand for President and Mrs. Wilson, although Mrs. Wilson died before seeing it completed.

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Garden in 2008, looking south (Daniel)

Garden in 2008, looking west (Daniel)

Bench in 2007 (Steven Brawley)

Pergola and garden in 2006 (Lafayette)

Pergola and garden in 2006 (Lafayette)

Pergola and garden in 2006 (Mcm4president)

Informal entertaining in the garden, circa 2005 (White House - Paul Morse)

Salvia’s purple hues balance the Chrysanthemums’ orange flair during the 2004 season (White House - Tina Hager)

East side in 1992, looking north at the Garden Room (HABS)

Overview in 1992, looking northeast (HABS)

Overview in 1992, looking northwest (HABS)

Overview in 1991, looking northeast (HABS)

The garden 1966 (Corbis - Conde Nast)

Overview in 1952, replanted after the construction work on the Residence

Overview in 1952, replanted after the construction work on the Residence (Truman Library - Abbie Rowe)

Garden and East Wing in 1952 (Truman Library - Abbie Rowe)

East Garden reflecting pool, circa 1940 (Library of Congress - Theodor Horydczak)

East Garden reflecting pool in 1921 (Library of Congress - Frances Benjamin Johnston)

Early color photo of President Wilson and second wife Edith by the East Garden reflecting pool in 1916

The East Garden, circa 1910 (Library of Congress - Harris & Ewing)

The garden with glassed-in colonnade, circa 1909 (Library of Congress)

Overview circa 1904, with open colonnade (Library of Congress - Harris & Ewing)

Overview circa 1904, with open colonnade (Library of Congress)